I hate myself from that night
I hate myself from that incident which happened not so soon
I hate myself for not being good to guys
I hate myself as I’m a damn
I hate myself why I look so cute
I hate myself why my looks made guys completely mute
I hate myself why I’ve a dashing attitude
I hate myself why I was so rude
I hate myself why my moves made him insane
I hate myself as my image was struck in his brain
I hate myself as I hated him
I hate myself as I did it on the 14th August 07'
I hate myself why he asked me my number
I hate myself what I told him was a big blunder
I hate myself as I told him I don’t give my number to 2nd hand items and whores
I hate myself for this answer worth more than a crore
As on the next day began a new flight
I began to gather information about him from every corner
And what all I got made me blur
I love myself for being so rude
I love myself for not becoming nude
I love myself for my answer
I love myself when I knew an incident which happened 2 years ago
I love myself as I’m away from him, and that time he was on bed with a bitchy
I love myself for my behavior
I love myself because I hate myself more and more every year…

Friday, November 19, 2010


hey my boggie bloggie..ehee.,.miss u so muchh!!muaxx!! :*
ahaa.last day skul ritok..aiyoo..gonna miss my skul loo..p nvm, next year gonna meet u again my f***in skul... weeiii, party bh tek..ahahahahaa,..besttt!!!! enjoi it with u ol guys!! on my way to tman awam,,.ku an morris Jawan tek..k mto legend ijo nya nok Bruum2~ yaa...skit tlinga ku morris..ahahahhahaaa,..p ok gak..lma dh x k mto..btw, thanx coz tmpgkn aku..ahahaaa,.zarina pun k mto wak tek..best2..p pnas loo..its ok laa..ukan salu pun nak..:) ehee..tke a few mnutes tok smpai kt tmn awam..adeehhh...lelah2, naik trun tgga.. * i wish tman awam ya lak da ekskalator,amen* waaaa...da juak owg party tek oo..ful tmpt, nsib cgek g tggl..mun x, tpaksa la mek owg wat pool party ..ahahahhaa,.. byk lu mknan n minuman..xpat abizkan..ateeii..part plg best,tyme maen ya ya nok plg best n hv fun toll..tetak jk kja eyhh...fuhh..tyme ku mk amik gmbar muka cdaknya pnuh an tepung, cipeetttt!!ku kna tikam an tepung juak ,.ahahahhaa,..mey ren,,..ingt ko oo.. XD p ku puas laa..bab ku pat bls dndam bjik mta ku msok tepung ya tek..leh wat cucur mata baa..nasib ku pat slmatkan contact lens ku yaa..haizz..bhya2..putih jk bnda nok ku tngaa..ku pk ku dh msuk syurga,..byk gilak pkra blaku ritok..p diamkan laaa..xmok gago2.. ku an za tek lit an Mr,Barny n Mr Camcey oo..wat lawak bduh lam kta..tetak,tetak, tetak jk kjaa...ya bok best..:D
Barny n Camcey, where is my.........bla, bla, blaa..well, u both noe maa..kan za kan..ahahhahaaa,..agak blvrd lok tek b4 blit umh..ehee..kat jln luak ya tek..mek owg nmpak accident oo!!live g ya!! babi tol,..kta 4 wheel drive prado..,laju kli nya kat corner yaa..smpey kan keta nya limpas jln mek owg n trus lggar dinding umh owg tepi jln yaa..yabihh..nsib keta nya x limpas time mek owg kat corner ya tek..mun x, papai jk la an torang..dhlh ku ddk tpi blah knan yaa..nasib x mati awal...mnakutkan tol.. anyway, thanx GOD...XD
lam keta mek 2 za non stop ngco cdak 2 monkey yaa..ahahahhaa,..tetak2 jk...bduh eyh...smpe umh..waaaaa...kuat letih liao.. kaki ku pnat g!!! apuuuu..lelak mai aaa... =.=''
ok laaa..chaw lok bloggie skalian yg ku sygi..ehee.. papaaiii~ c ya soon..;p

Me n Zarina ..

Me n Zarina ..